DON'T VACILLATE ... VACCINATE and build Resilience!


DON'T VACILLATE ... VACCINATE … and build Resilience!

First and foremost, remember to get a vaccination for Covid-19 and then remember to inoculate yourself against stressors that impact your health physically and mentally.

The vaccine provides the New Year with a New Beginning for us all. Can you think of one person you know that has not had some kind of struggle, loss or set back in 2020?  I can't.

One thing I know for sure is that we have all had the opportunity to focus on our values and reset our priorities. So while we are planning to get our vaccination physically, there are inoculations we can put in place mentally and emotionally to ensure we transition into the New Year at our very best!         

V alidate your values by prioritizing what is important to you.
A ctivate your values by taking meaningful action based on your values.
C ommunicate your values to your family, friends and those you work with.
C reate a strong foundation based on your values.
 I  noculate yourself from living someone else's values.     
N egate old ways of thinking with the value of Resilience.                   
A cclimate to new ways of doing what is important to you based on your values.
T ranslate your values into measurable goals and outcomes.
E liminate actions that take you away from your values.

The New Year brings the opportunity for each or us to build and rethink our communities - not just a geographical place like a neighborhood or clubhouse, but a virtual place where we can be supported, feel safe, get to know and grow with others who share our values, goals and dreams.

The MINDHEALING INSTITUTE® hopes to be that community both virtually and in our West Palm Beach Office. Please reach out and join us, we have offerings that are free as well as self-development courses and certifications with a fee and payment plans. Visit for more information or contact Pat Forde at 305.606.2050.